This component uses Transforms (Move Down 100%) to hide and show modal (on Tablet) so that filters apply once the user hits the apply button (optimal UX). Using the display: hidden will prevent the apply button from working.

To show and hide the modal for editing purposes on Tablet:
  • Select the filters1_filters-wrapper inside the parent div filters1_layout div.
  • Hit the Hide button and it will show (yes this is counterintuitive).

Design Lab


RATxCHICKS by Michelle Im

Michelle Im is a Korean American artist in Queens, New York. ‘RATxCHICKS’ is a project name for her ceramics that is a play on the words ‘rachet’ and ‘rad chicks’. Humor is an integral part of her work as she examines internal conflict through her illustrative surfaces. She pairs motifs that are deliberately out of the ordinary to encapsulate a sense of absurdity that is approachable for the viewer.

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