

Nouseskou is an artist based in Kyoto, Japan, whose work spans digital art, artificial intelligence, dance, sound design, nature, and philosophy. Nouseskou is known for blending these diverse elements into a cohesive artistic vision, creating a unique style that pushes the boundaries of contemporary art.

Work Title: int main(){for(;;);} //oe1

Medium: Created using original footage, Touch Design, and code generated with ChatGPT

Work Description

This video work explores the intersection of AI technology and Japanese aesthetics, focusing on the concepts of "silence and presence." By integrating real-world footage with AI-generated environments, such as a real forest alongside a virtual one, I aim to challenge perceptions of reality and the digital.

The piece invites viewers to reflect on the boundaries between the tangible and the imagined, creating a contemplative space where their creativity can engage with the work. My goal is to blend advanced technology with the quiet beauty of traditional art, discovering new forms of expression along the way



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