Throughout the past three Industrial Revolutions, marginalized groups have often been the last to access transformative tools for personal exploration and creative expression, a reality shaped by systemic inequalities at every technological breakthrough. This is a legacy of exclusion — a pattern marked by delayed access to the steam engine, the internet, and other pivotal technologies that have shaped our world.  Today, we stand at a turning point — a moment where history's patterns are confronted, reimagined, and redefined. 

Curated by Paul Hill, Strada Nuova: New Road stands as a pivotal moment in art history as the first group exhibition featuring artists utilizing unreleased tools from the pioneering AI company, OpenAI. An epochal exhibition, Strada has brought together brilliant researchers, academics, and creators working across tactile and digital mediums to push the boundaries of what’s possible when artists access powerful new tools. Their work challenges us to think about how technology can be used to tell new stories, to innovate, and to imagine different futures.

Octavia Butler reminds us, "All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you. The only lasting truth is change." This exhibition takes Butler’s words to heart, asking us to consider how these new tools can reshape not just art but the artists themselves and the world they imagine. Here, change is not just inevitable; it is essential — an invitation to expand, innovate, and transcend.

Strada Nuova: New Road challenges viewers to reconsider our place at the edge of this Fourth Industrial Revolution and to ask who will shape its future. It calls on us to explore new pathways of leadership, creativity, and equity, and to redefine the narrative of access and innovation for all.

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